Webinar: The Value of Question–Driven Feedback

Elevated Achievement Group in collaboration with Learning Sciences International presents THE VALUE OF QUESTION–DRIVEN FEEDBACK.
As instructional leaders, we know the impact meaningful conversations have on learning. The most effective method to support stronger teachers’ decision-making is through a question-driven process. Learn about a method of discourse that allows teachers to own the feedback process by explaining, clarifying, and reflecting on the decisions they are making. Interact with a process that helps teachers become more effective and efficient decision-makers regarding classroom practice by asking teachers how they make decisions and supporting their metacognition through the articulation of their thinking. This LIVE and interactive webinar delivers key tools and resources while answering these questions:
- Why question-driven feedback is a vital skill of instructional leadership?
- How can I use question-driven feedback to build metacognition around my teachers’ decisions: how they are making them, why they are making them, and the impact these changes are having on student learning?
- What are some examples of questions that drive feedback at the lesson level focused on student achievement?
Can you imagine building an environment full of motivated, engaged, and eager students who own their learning?
We can.