Elevated Achievement Group is dedicated to providing educators, students, and families with resources to help ensure that learning continues anytime, any place, and in any format.
These resources were designed to ensure that student learning continues by being as clear as possible regarding each and every assignment even when students are sitting on their bed, in their pajamas, interacting with a laptop or materials that are sent home with them.
Click on the links below to download the resources. Feel free to share, in whatever way is most helpful, with your students, their parents or caregivers, and your colleagues.
New Resources!
Want to see these resources in action? Our companion videos provide additional insight from Bob and Jane, our co-founders, as well as examples of parents using the resources with their children.
Click here to view the videos on the Elevated Achievement Group channel on YouTube.
Can you imagine building an environment full of motivated, engaged, and eager students who own their learning?
We can.