2 06, 2020

    Give Children Something to Talk About


    In this article you will learn...

    • The first step in developing student ownership is to support children’s oral language development.
    • Teachers and parents/caregivers are crucial language models for young children and the more modeling they have the better.
    • Children need multiple opportunities to have meaningful conversations with adults, so it’s important for adults to start talking.
    Give Children Something to Talk About2023-08-15T21:54:01+00:00
    2 06, 2020

      Professional Development from the Eyes of the Teacher


      In this article you will learn...

      • Elevated Achievement’s Learning Model is driven by the learner and answers the question—What does a learner need to know in order to better own their learning?
      • The Learning Model is made up of five learner-centered phases: setting the Learning Context, stating the Learning Outcome, engaging in the Learning Process, producing the Learning Demonstration, and implementing the Learning Application.
      • Teachers deserve the same well-planned opportunities for professional development as they give their own students.
      Professional Development from the Eyes of the Teacher2023-08-15T19:46:53+00:00
      20 04, 2020

        4 Reasons Why We Need to Listen to Our Teachers


        In this article you will learn...

        • To improve student achievement, teachers must be heard.
        • Listening is an active process and a key aspect of learnership.
        • When we listen, we discover things, build trust, and make better decisions.
        4 Reasons Why We Need to Listen to Our Teachers2023-08-25T21:59:19+00:00
        13 04, 2020

          Why Is Learnership the Skill for the 21st Century?


          In this article you will learn...

          • To be successful in a chosen career or any working environment our students need learnership.
          • Learnership is exemplified by someone who self-directs, self-evaluates, self-reflects, and self-controls their own learning.
          • Employers are looking for qualified candidates who can think critically, persevere, and communicate effectively—in other words, the qualities of true learnership.
          Why Is Learnership the Skill for the 21st Century?2023-09-21T03:04:45+00:00
          6 04, 2020

            How to Shift Students from Managed to the Managers


            In this article you will learn...

            • We as teachers need to change the traditional approach to classroom management to one that focuses less on the teacher’s rules and more on student’s role in the class.
            • It is critical for students to understand that, first and foremost, their role is to actively pursue their own learning while respectfully, cooperatively, and collaboratively helping others actively pursue theirs.
            • Three strategic learning practices can greatly help students achieve ownership of the academic climate and thereby elevate their academic achievement.
            How to Shift Students from Managed to the Managers2023-08-17T19:59:32+00:00