30 03, 2020

How to Transform Classroom Assessment


In this article, you will learn...

  • We as teachers can change our approach to assessment to one in which assessment becomes a tool for learning and our students become the best judge of their own knowledge and skills.
  • Learning is about change, and we cannot assess what has changed in students’ minds, skills, or attitudes unless the students are an active part of the process.
  • Three strategic learning practices can greatly help students achieve ownership of assessment and thereby elevate their academic achievement.
How to Transform Classroom Assessment2023-07-27T22:31:53+00:00
23 03, 2020

How to Help Students Own How They Are Learning


In this article, you will learn...

  • We as teachers need to focus less on what we need to do to teach the curriculum and more on how students need to learn the required content and skills.
  • Like student ownership in general, student ownership of instruction occurs along a predictable continuum and eventually leads to deep individual metacognition.
  • Three strategic learning practices can greatly help students achieve ownership of their instruction and thereby elevate their academic achievement.
How to Help Students Own How They Are Learning2023-07-25T15:09:40+00:00
9 03, 2020

How to Help Students Own What They Are Learning


In this article you will learn...

  • We as teachers need to flip the typical approach to curriculum planning on its head to focus less on what we need to teach and more on what students need to learn.
  • The best place to start developing ownership in curriculum is by assuring that all learning is driven by a standards-based curriculum with measurable and achievable outcomes that are accessible to all students.
  • Three strategic learning practices can greatly help students achieve ownership of the curriculum and thereby elevate their academic achievement.
How to Help Students Own What They Are Learning2023-09-21T03:17:47+00:00
1 03, 2020

How to Create a Culture of Achievement


In this article you will learn...

  • Teachers can increase student motivation and achievement by increasing student ownership.
  • Teachers can develop student ownership by integrating the strategic learning practices across all four areas of a framework for elevating achievement—Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, Climate.
  • When implemented together, these strategic learning practices can make a significant impact on student ownership, learning, and achievement.
How to Create a Culture of Achievement2023-09-21T02:58:03+00:00
24 02, 2020

The Most Crucial Decision Teachers Make Every Day


In this article you will learn...

  • Our greatest power as teachers is in our decision-making.
  • Teachers make important decisions across four broad areas: curriculum, instruction, assessment, and climate, which make up an integrated learning framework.
  • The most crucial decision teachers make is how to share this information with students.
The Most Crucial Decision Teachers Make Every Day2023-09-21T03:07:13+00:00