24 06, 2024

How to Reflect on Your Learning: An Article for Students


In this article students will learn…

  • What it means to own their learning and why it matters.
  • Why it’s important to be a metacognitive learner.
  • How to develop metacognition by reflecting on their learning.
How to Reflect on Your Learning: An Article for Students2024-06-24T22:12:05+00:00
25 03, 2022

Why Teacher Reflection Should Be Collaborative


In this article you will learn…

  • The power of reflection is amplified when meaningful conversations are part of the process because when teachers have the opportunity to talk about their lessons with a colleague, insights are gained, skills are refined, and students benefit.
  • A question-driven reflection is a method of discourse that allows a teacher to own the reflection process by explaining, clarifying, and reflecting on the decisions they made in planning and delivering the lesson.
  • A set of reflection questions that collaborative colleagues can utilize to begin to reflect on and understand the decisions a teacher made at the lesson level.
Why Teacher Reflection Should Be Collaborative2023-08-03T03:21:54+00:00
22 03, 2022

How Teachers Can Use Reflection to Elevate Achievement


In this article you will learn…

  • Teachers who make it a routine to reflect on their lessons, in turn, have a positive impact on teaching and learning for their students
  • Reflecting on lessons is the metacognitive side of instruction, and it supports teachers in becoming stronger decision-makers.
  • How to reflect on a lesson using Elevated Achievement’s Learning Model.
How Teachers Can Use Reflection to Elevate Achievement2023-07-31T22:41:45+00:00
27 01, 2020

How to Develop Reflective, thus Effective Teachers


In this article you will learn...

  • Teachers who reflect daily on their practice are the most effective at increasing student learning.
  • A culture of self-reflection can be built.
  • Three steps to support reflection include: 1) Determining the components that will be reflected upon and how they support student achievement, 2) Identifying strengths and areas of growth, and 3) Developing an action plan to build on strengths and fill in gaps.
How to Develop Reflective, thus Effective Teachers2023-07-23T22:24:54+00:00