What is Learnership?

Learnership combines the words and meanings of the words “learner” and “ownership.” Together, they embody the elevation of learning to learner ownership. Someone who has true learnership is one who self-directs, self-evaluates, self-reflects, and self-controls their own learning. We are posting new articles every week so make it your routine to check-in frequently. Or, subscribe to The Learnership Review and receive monthly emails so you never miss a thing.

Teach Your Students to Look for and Make Use of Structure

In this article you will …

  • What the metacognitive thinking looks like at each grade level for Mathematical Practice Standard 7.
  • A step-by-step approach to teaching Mathematical Practice Standard 7.
  • A reflection guide to support students as they “think about their thinking” around Mathematical Practice Standard 7.

Teach Your Students to Attend to Precision

In this article you will …

  • What the metacognitive thinking looks like at each grade level for Mathematical Practice Standard 6.
  • A step-by-step approach to teaching Mathematical Practice Standard 6.
  • A reflection guide to support students as they “think about their thinking” around Mathematical Practice Standard 6.

Teach Your Students to Use Appropriate Tools Strategically

In this article you will …

  • What the metacognitive thinking looks like at each grade level for Mathematical Practice Standard 5.
  • A step-by-step approach to teaching Mathematical Practice Standard 5.
  • A reflection guide to support students as they “think about their thinking” around Mathematical Practice Standard 5.

Teach Your Students to Model with Mathematics

In this article you will …

  • What the metacognitive thinking looks like at each grade level for Mathematical Practice Standard 4.
  • A step-by-step approach to teaching Mathematical Practice Standard 4.
  • A reflection guide to support students as they “think about their thinking” around Mathematical Practice Standard 4.

Teach Your Students to Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively

In this article you will …

  • What the metacognitive thinking looks like at each grade level for Mathematical Practice Standard 2.
  • A step-by-step approach to teaching Mathematical Practice Standard 2.
  • A reflection guide to support students as they “think about their thinking” around Mathematical Practice Standard 2.

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